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Phonetics is the study of sounds. To understand the mechanics of human languages one has to understand the physiology of the human body. Letters represent sounds in a rather intricate way. This has advantages and disadvantages. To represent sounds by letters in an accurate and uniform way the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) was created. Since the IPA is an international standard, it is vital that one understands how it works (and can read or write using it). The complete set of symbols is rather complex.
Phonetics is the study of actual sounds of human languages, their production and their perception. It is relevant to linguistics for the simple reason that the sounds are the primary physical manifestation of language.
Traditionally, sounds are classified into consonants and vowels. Consonants are sounds that are produced with a major obstruction in the mouth cavity. Vowels are sounds that are produced without such obstruction. However, diphthongs also on the classification of sounds.
Vowel is a speech sound in which the mouth is open and the tongue is not touching the top of the mouth, teeth, etc.
Example: ɑ, i, u, e, o.
·        [ɪ] » /i/
ex: English /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ or Business /ˈbɪznəs/
·        [ɑ] » /a/
ex: Father /ˈfɑːðə/
·        [u] » /ʊ/  short /oo/
ex: Look /lʊk/ or Put /pʊt/
·      [e] » /ɛ/ 
ex: Bed /bɛd/ or Head /hɛd/
·        [o] » /ɒ/ , shorter /ɔ:/ or /o/
ex: Clock /klɒk/

Vowel is divided into two: familiar and unfamiliar vowel.
a)     Familiar vowels:  [ɑ] >> aunt, [ɒ] >> hot, [e] >> breakfast
b)     Unfamiliar vowels: 
[æ]  » /a/ ex:                              Cat /kæt/
                                            Bag /bæɡ/
[ə]  » schwa /er/or /u/ ex:       Woman /ˈwʊmən/
[ɪː]  » /ee/ ex:                             Sea /siː/
        Bee /biː/
        Receive /rɪˈsiːv/
[uː] »  long /oo/ ex:                 Too /tuː/
       Blue /bluː/
[ɔː]  »  /or/   ex:                        Or /ɔː/
       Board /bɔːd/

Consonant is a speech sound made by completely or partly stopping the flow of air being breathed out through the mouth. In other word, consonant can be defined that a letter of the alphabet that represents the consonant sound. Here are some examples of consonant:  [b], [c], [d], [f], [v], [p], [m], [n], [θ], [s], [ð], [ʃ], [ʒ].
Factors relevant for the classification of consonants include the manner of articulation, the place of articulation, and voicing. 

a. The places of articulation / Menurut titik artikulasi

          Places of articulation are the places where speech sounds produced. These places are basically comes from the organ of speech of human being. The places of articulation are as follows:
1) Bilabial
   is a speech sound made by both upper and lower lip. These speech sounds are represented by the symbol [p], [b], [m].  
Examples >> >>                 Pet, Bat, Mat
Pen, Band, Men
Pie, Buy, My
Bilabial, yaitu bunyi dengan titik artikulasi pada bibir. Bilabial terbagi dua, bilabial, yaitu bunyi yang diartikulasikan oleh dua bibir (p, b, m).

2) Labio-dental  is a speech sound formed with upper teeth and lower lip. The speech sound can be represented by the symbol [f]and [v]. 
Example>>>>         Fan, Van
                                                Fat, Vate
                                                Safe, Save
Labio-dental, yaitu bunyi antara bibir bawah dengan gigi atas (f, v).

3) Dental  is a speech sound produced with tongue against upper front teeth. The speech sound can be represented by the symbol [θ] and [ð]. 
Example:                  [θ] ->> Teeth, Three, Thursday, Theory
                                    [ð] ->> The, There, Then, Thus, Therefore
Dental, yaitu bunyi yang diartikulasikan oleh ujung lidah dengan gigi depan (θ, δ).

4) Alveolar  is a speech sound formed with tongue touching behind the upper front teeth. The speech sound can be represented by the symbol [t], [d], [n], [s], [z].
Example:      Tie, Die, Nut, See, Zoo
Top, Dip, Nice, Sit, Zebra
Alveolar, yaitu bunyi yang diartikulasikan oleh ujung lidah dengan gusi (t, d, n, s, z).

5) Palatal  is a speech sound produced with the tounge and the palate. The speech sound can be represented by the symbol [ʃ] sh and [tʃ] ch. 
Example:      [ ʃ ] : shoe, brush, wash, wish, dish, shall
                       [tʃ] : church, chicken, teacher, cheat, chat
 Palatal/ Palato-alveolar, yaitu bunyi yang diartikulasikan oleh badan lidah dengan langit-langit mulut (t∫,dЗ).

6) Velar  is a speech sound produced with the back of the tongue againts the velum (soft palate). The speech sound can be represented by the symbol [k], [ŋ] and [g].
Example:      [k] : kid, kill, kick, car, cold, can, cook
[g] : bag, mug, good, goose, glass
Velar, yaitu bunyi yang diartikulasikan oleh bagian belakang lidah dengan langit-langit bagian belakang (k, g, ŋ).

7) Glottal  is a speech sound produced without the active use of the tongue and other parts of the mouth. This speech sound can be represented by the symbol [h]. Example: have, has, house, whom, whose, who.
Glottal, yaitu bunyi yang dihasilkan di glottis.

b. The manner of articulation // Menurut cara artikulasi
           Manner of articulation are the way how to produce sounds. The manners of articulation are as follow:
1) Stop  is the sounds produced by some form of stopping the air stream then releasing it suddenly. These sounds can be represented by the symbol [p], [b], [t], [d], [k], [g]. Examples: put, but, toy, down, key, go, buy, good.
2) Fricative  is the sounds produced by blocking the air stream and having the air push through the very narrow opening. These sounds can be represented by the symbol [f], [v], [θ], [s], [z], [ð], [ʃ], [ʒ]. Examples: fit, very, theatre, seem, zip, shock, treasure.
Fricative, bunyi dibentuk dengan menyempitkan rongga udara sehingga keluarnya udara menyebabkan suara.

3) Afficate  is the sound made by stopping the air stream then followed immediately by fricative. In other word, it is combination of “stop” and “fricative”. These sounds can be presented by the symbol [t∫] ‘ch’ and [dʒ] j, example: cheap, jeep, chair, jar.
 Affricate, yaitu bunyi yang menyerupai plosive tetapi pemisahan organ-organ artikulator dilakukan tidak terlalu cepat (t∫,dЗ).

4) Nasal  is the sounds produced by sending the stream of air through the nose. These sounds can be represented by the symbol [m], [n], [ŋ]. Example: sum, sun, sung.
Nasal, mulut tertutup sepenuhnya, langit-langit bagian belakang tetap rendah sehingga udara secara bebas melewati rongga (m, n, ŋ).

5) Liquid  is the sounds produced when the tongue touches the middle part of the alveolar ridge. These sounds can be symbolized with [l] and [r],  when you pronounce the symbol [r], your tongue tip will raise and curl back near the alveolar ridge, examples: let, red, lead, read.

Ø  Companion to English Linguistics.pdf
Ø  ling-intro.pdf  // Introduction to Linguistics by Marcus Kracht Department of Linguistics, UCLA 3125 Campbell Hall 450 Hilgard Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90095–1543 kracht@humnet.ucla.edu
Ø  A coursebook of Pronunciation by M. Fadhly Farhy Abbas, M.Pd

Others contact:         twitter.com/adegustyya22

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