A part of Pure Linguistics: Syntax

5:27:00 PM

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Have a nice day, I would talk to all of you about part of pure linguistics. It’s SYNTAX. So, keep enjoy guys!!
Do you know about Syntax???

Syntax is the part of linguistics that studies sentence structure /// The study of the structure of phrases or sentences and the rules governing how words are combined to form phrases/sentences.

Jadi Syntax  adalah salah satu dari cabang ilmu linguistik yang mempelajari kaidah yang menentukan bagaimana kata membentuk frasa dan frasa membentuk kalimat.
Syntax is not about meaning! Sentences can have no sense and still be grammatically correct.
We put words into categories or logical groups, according to how they work within parts of speech , phrases, clauses or sentences.
These categories, traditionally called parts of speech are now more usually known as word classes.
1.       Parts of Speech
Parts of speech are labels for categories in which we usually place words. The traditional parts of speech including the two, these were:

• Open class – content words (kata-kata inti/pokok) – nouns, verbs, adjectives, interjections and adverbs.
Closed class function words (kata-kata fungsi/kegunaan) – determiners, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions.

2.       Phrase
Phrase is a group of two or more words that express a single idea but do not usually form a complete sentence. There are 5 main categories of phrases, are:

Type of Phrase
Information and examples
Noun  Phrase
A noun phrase consist of a noun and other related words (usually get determiners). It functions like a noun in a sentence.
a nice red skirt, a glass, the girl with blue eyes
Prepositional Phrase

A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition, object of preposition (noun or pronoun) and may also consist of other modifiers. A prepositional phrase functions as an adjective or adverb in a sentence.
The man in the room is our teacher.             (As adjective)
She is shouting in a loud voice.           (As adverb)
Verb Phrase
A verb phrase is a combination of main verb and auxiliaries (helping verbs) in a sentence.
He is eating an orange
She has finished her assignment
Adjective Phrase

An adjective phrase is a group of words that functions like an adjective in a sentence to a noun or pronoun.
The girl with brown hair is writing a letter
She is a beautiful girl in the class
Adverb Phrase
An adverb phrase is a group of words that functions as an adverb in a sentence. It consists of adverbs or other words (preposition, noun, verb)
She reads this chapter novel loudly

3.       Clause

Clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a predicate. A clause is either independent or dependent. There are two main categories of clauses, they are:

·         An independent clause (main clause) is a complete sentence. It contains the main subject and verb of a sentence.
Ex: Diana lives in japan

·         A dependent clause (subordinate clause) is not a complete sentence. It must be connected to an independent clause.
Ex: When my father arrived, I was cooking fried rice.

4.       Sentence
Sentence is the largest grammatical unit in language. Usually containing a verb and a predicate.
Simple sentence ialah kalimat yang terdiri dari satu independent clause
Example: I go to campus in this morning
Compound sentence ialah kalimat yang terdiri dari dua atau lebih dari satu independent clause
Example: Nabila and desi wake up at 5.00 am, and they cook fried rice together

English Grammar third edition- Betty Schrampfer Azar

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  1. Penampilan blog nya sudah sangat menarik dek,tapi mau nanyak ni,menurut adek perbedaan structure dengan grammar apa? Soalnya di syntax ini kan mempelajari tentang struktur kata atau grammar,makasih ya dek😉😍

  2. Can you recommend 2-3 a nice sites about syntax that might have some games in it, so we can learn syntax in a fun way...

  3. blog nya menarik de, buat betah pas mampir di blognya :D
    oia, gmana cara buat tulisannya kok menarik gtu de,apa pas ngepostnya langsung ke blog atau di edit dulu di microsoft office?

    1. thank you fenny :)
      kalau tentang tulisannya, ade edit dulu di microsoft word karena disana banyak jenis-jenis tulsannya. kalau langsung dari bloggernya hanya menyediakan sedikit saja

  4. Hi Ade :) presentsinya bagus dan lengkap ,tapi ade i have a question , Sentences itu kan a part from CLAUSE specially in An Independent Clause , why Ade not gabungkan langsg di Clause ?? Kenapa Sentence nya harus di pisah dari Clause ?? kan Sentence itu hanya berisi ttg Kalimat An Independent Clause .

  5. really love it ade...^^ i get the point dek, but i want to ask you something, may you explaint to me about Ambiguity? thank you

    1. thanks saaay,,
      ok i'll try to give you information about ambiguity.
      so, ambiguity is more than one possible structure for the same string of words.
      for the examples :
      1. I saw a man with a telescope. (Who has the telescope, me or the man?)
      2. We need more intelligent leaders. (need more or more intelligent?)
      jadi, ambiguity itu terdapat lebih dari satu maksud dalam kalimatnya. jadi, itu membuat rancu dan bingungnya. tapi dalam grammaticalnya sudah memenuhi syarat kok

  6. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  7. Nice post Ade.. Can U give the reason about Ur URL blog because I think it is unique.. and may be U TYPO about syntax in definition of sentence U may ceck and change it to Subject :)

    1. thanks ma cingu :)
      wkwkkwk about my url blog, the meaning of "boukenka" is petualangan in japanese. and i want make my blog as my adventure. maybe just it that i can say to you :)
      thanks for your suggestion. i'll do some editing

  8. Adek,kelamaan trus bingung sendiri,tapi bagus kok ditingkatin lagi yoo,,
    Permisi,mau nanya coba adek jelasin lagi tentang apa kira" fungsi dari syntax sendiri,, 😉😤😵

    1. wkwkwwk thanks bg. semoga bisa lebih baik lagi kedepannya.
      hmm menurut adek, sangat penting bagi kita untuk mempelajari syntax apalagi bagi kita sebagai anak bahasa. karena, syntax itu kan mengajarkan tentang struktur bahasa, bagaimana grammatical correct yang baik dalam suatu kalimat. jadi saat melakukan writing seperti proposal atau skripsi, kita bisa menggunakan yang pembelajaran syntax ini. syntax kan tersusun teratur.
      untuk info lebih lanjut bg mana bisa tanyain ke adek langsung. see you

  9. Contents of your blog so beautiful,ade juga sangat menguasai materi nya saat di depan^-^

    1. thanks kak nit :):)
      i'll try do best presentation in next time

  10. Contents of your blog so beautiful,ade juga sangat menguasai materi nya saat di depan^-^

  11. your explanation so good. it make me more understand. thank you adek. sorry td salah comment

    1. thanks cingu :)
      alhamdulillah if you could understand with my information about syntax

  12. Nice de, but I wanna give you a suggestion nih de. How about give a different colour in the examples. So, we can differentiate bagian yang menjadi fokusnya gitu. Okay, Keep posting ya deee !!!

    1. thanks nabiiil, gob job for your presentation.
      ok i will do some editing on my post. nice suggestion for me :)

  13. Nice post ade,..i wanna give you a question,can open class and closed class di jadikan dalam satu kalimat?jika bisa,please give me the example.thanks ade

  14. nice posting about syntax de, good job :) i have a suggestion in part of sentence maybe you can add about complex sentence , just it thanks you de:)

    1. thank you for your suggestion ratna. ok i will try fix again

  15. Ade, its good post about syntax I think..
    It is almost complete, you have talked about phrases, clauses and sentence,, that is good,,
    Thanks for your posting today,,

    1. Thanks aci. You can check my other post :)

  16. nice post ade..
    sdikit saran y ade materi nya kan udah bagus dan presentasi nya sebenarnya udah bagus hanya perlu interaksi lagi ke audience nya biar lbh menarik lagi persentasi nya..
    di tunggu postingan berikut nya..

    1. makasi kak fitri. baiklah ade akan mencoba lebih baik lagi kedepannya

  17. bagus blog ny de, awalnya saya tertarik pengen bust tsmpilsn blog saya seprti tampilan blog ade.. tapi, it's not good idea ternyata, heheh

    di tunggu postingan selanjutnya.

    1. wkwkwkwk iyaah kak lina. it is not good idea as recommended. but i like my blog's view

  18. Well, nice blog.
    and i have a question for ya!
    is there any relationship between morphology and lexicology ?
    Overall it's a good post :D

    1. thanks dikky. before that i am sorry i can not answer your question cause' i did not explain about morphology or lexicology. i just explain about syntax. thanks

    2. Oh sorry, i mean morphology and syntax

  19. Aloha ade, nice posting but ade i read that in syntax have a phare preposional so can you memberikan simple example seperti sebuah kalimat dan menunjukan mana yang pharasa presposional? Dan dimana saja digunakan? Thank you ade..

  20. Assalamualaikum....
    your materi is nice, heheh
    tapi saya mau nanya ni, menurut ade ada tidak pembahasan syntax di bidang yang lain ??? atau hanya di linguistics aja ???

    thank you :)

  21. bagus ade .:)
    aku sangat senang membaca blog ade.
    semoga kedepan nya lebih unik dan lucu ya blog nya .
    sama seperti yangpunya blog ini :)
