A Part of Pure Linguistics: Lexicology

5:13:00 PM

       Lexicology is a branch of linguistics which studies the vocabulary of a language. Its basic task is to study the origin, the different properties of the vocabulary of a language. In other words, lexicology is concerned with words and set phrases which function in speech.
Jadi, lexicology itu membahas tentang bentuk, sejarah dan arti kata-kata. Biasanya yang terdapat di kamus.

Lexeme as an abstract unit.

Lexemes – items of meaning, headwords of dictionary entries. The headwords are the base forms of the words, from which other word forms are derived. These base forms may be also termed as the citation forms.

         Collocation refers to the combination of words that have a certain mutual expectancy. Range  of a lexeme – all the lexemes that co-occur with that particular lexeme. Some items have an extremely restricted range (collocational restriction), e.g. rancid collocates only with butter and bacon.

 Connotation relates to the association that a word has over and above its denotation. (e.g. candle – romantic connotation). Connotations are far more indeterminate than denotations. They may be subject to considerable variations from one generation to the next. On the other hand, Connotations can be rather subjective and not shared in the same way by all speakers of a language.

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