2:20:00 AM

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

I want share to you about my faculty and many kinds that i love there. cekidoooot


    When i know FKIP Unilak, i did not get something interesting here. However, when i have been as part of its, finally i have gotten interesting moments or things in this faculty. The first thing is crazy and cheerful friends. Right now, i am 2nd semester. Since one year, i have had many friends. Much of them have unique character. I think they got little sick or crazy if they have joined together especially do not forget!!! Actually when i am there. Yeaaah, if they are crazy likewise I have little crazy too. We always have many activities in FKIP, sometimes we laugh together even though things are ridiculed only a small thing wkwkwkwk. I do happy to know and have them in FKIP.

        The second thing is second floor in FKIP, why do I say that???? if I feel bored I will sit in seat edge while looking surroundings. From this floor, I can see peoples below, what are they doing, etc. Sometimes, I sit so long just to enjoy atmosphere. Not only that, I can see and check my motorcycle in parking place, cause I am afraid if my motorcycle lose. YOU KNOW??? Unilak is more unsafe!!! A piece of my friend also know if I sit in seat edge, I am missing someone. He is not my boyfriend and I am a free agent. So, from 2nd floor I can see his faculty and also his motorcycle there. I do know why I so enjoy sit in seat edge.

        The third thing is Mr. Dahler and also Mr. Dahler's Room. I love his room cause' this room is coldest compared with other room or other class. He always turn on this AC until high temperature uhuuhuui I don't feel heat again. When my friend and I come to this room, he always tell about everything to us. He give us many advice and counsel so that we know our aim be a part of FKIP. Before I know him, I think he is grumpy and killer. Actually, he is very friendly and love his students also. But, sometimes I am afraid if I berada di dekatnya wkwkwk. I do not why. 

        The fourth thing is GSpot for take selfies. Do you know something about me??? The Fact is I do love selfie anywhere and anytime in FKIP. Sometimes I will take selfie in seat edge (2nd floor), in the class, in BEM's room any else. Not only that, I often take photo full body or be known by name "OOTD" /Oufit of the day in almost every place like parking place, in front of BEM's room, FKIP yard, emperan kelas, huuuuuft I can not say all to you wkwkwk. In a day, I can produce many photos. I will say to you a secret but Don't tell to other, OK??? I can produce more than 100 on a day but I often take until 50-60 photos. 

       The last thing is maybe Tata Usaha's Room. Why I like this room? because I can buy some food, snack or drink when I am hungry. Not only that, in this room I can get important information about perkuliahan. Also, my friend and I must accompany our friend who admired one of many staff who very handsome in TU's room . He is Pak Firman. I can not say who is her wkwkwk cause she can kill me anywhere *it's a joke*

       OK guys, I think just that about my Faculty. A lot of things I wanted to say yet in this article but I don not have other idea to write many things. Thanks for your time. Have a nice day :)

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

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  1. Quite good. Better if you make the menu bar on your blog,give music and so on, it makes your blog seems like profesional blogger.

  2. Thanks so much miss riyanti. i have taken app music in my blog you can check again. for menu bar i will try in other time :)
