8:48:00 AM


I am an undergraduate student from English Education Department of Lancang Kuning University. Right now, I am second semester. In my faculty, there are many activities to upgrade or improve our English skill. One of them is called English Conversation Club (ECC).
            English Conversation Club (ECC) is being held every Saturday at 08.30 am. For this year, ECC have 6 classes such as Regular Conversation Class, Dance Class, Paper Presentation Class, On Stage Class, Public Speaking or Debate Class and the last Blogging for fun. When I am first semester, there is no blogging club, just Drama Class. However, Drama Class is changed by Blog right now. You know that?? I am one of blogging member. Like the name of this class, I think it is fun way to learn English well.
            In blogging for fun, I have gotten many experience to learn about blog. This class taught about everything such as how to make or create simple blog, change template, apply music player, apply animation or clock, etc. With blog, we can share more knowledge and science that we got in school or campus. My lecturer said, “Make blog as your home, so you can design anything in your home not one must be banned”. This class very nice to people do not know about blog before (Newbie Blogger). So, let’s come and join with us in Blogging for fun. See you in next semester!!!!

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