4:52:00 PM

I have gotten formulation of research from Laretmi’s Thesis. Her thesis about "A Correlation between the students’ mastery on Adjective Phrase and their writing ability of Descriptive text at the second grade of SMA Serirama YLPI Pekanbaru".

I think that topic focused to Syntax. How to know Phrase especially Adjective Phrase.

Writer: Laretmi (1088203091)

            A.  Formulation of Reseach
The problem of this research can be formulated in the following questions:
Is there any correlation between the students’ mastery on Adjective Phrase and their writing ability of Descriptive text at the second grade of SMA Serirama YLPI Pekanbaru?

            B.  Conclusion
Based on the findings and discussion, the correlation between students’ mastery on Adjective Phrase and Students’ ability in writing descriptive text is figured out that the value of degrees freedom (df) was 24. In the table of degree of significant of 5% and 1% the value of degree of significant was 0,422 and 0,536. While correlation coefficient was 0,116. The probability was read 0,116< 0,422< 0,536 it means that there is no correlation between students’ mastery on Adjective Phrase and students’ ability in writing descriptive text. So, both of variables could not support each other.

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