A part of Pure Linguistics: Phonology

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Phonology is Study of how sounds interact in various languages (phonetics Æconceptual representation) .
Phonology can be described as an aspect of language that deals with rules for the structure and sequencing of speech sounds. Every language has a wide variety of speech sounds (phonemes). 
For example in English, the ng sound, as in ring, will never appear at the beginning of a word.  Phonology rules also determine which sounds may be combined.
Consequently, the study of phonology requires us to take meaning into consideration, while phonetics does not. In this section we explore phonology and the basic unit of phonological analysis, the phoneme.

There are 2 kinds of Phonology:
Segmental phenomena
Ø  Phonemic Inventory and Allophone
A phoneme is a unit of sound in a language that cannot be analysed into smaller linear units and that can distinguish one word from another. Phonemes are often presented surrounded by // in transcription (e.g. /p/ and /b/ in English pat, bat).
So /p/ and /b/ are two phonemes because they can distinguish between the words "pat" and "bat". /c/ is another, because it distinguishes the word "cat" from "pat" and "bat".
Allophones are any of the variants making up a single phoneme.
So, for example, you might pronounce the letter "T" differently in the two words "stand" and "tip". A common test to determine whether two phones are allophones or separate phonemes relies on finding minimal pairs: words that differ by only the phones in question.
For example, the words tip and dip illustrate that [t] and [d] are separate phonemes, /t/ and /d/, in English.

Ø  Sound-change rules and ordering
Feature changing rules change the value of a component feature of a sound, for instance, from non-nasal to nasal or from short to long. The nasal pronunciation of the vowel of can is due, as we’ve seen, to the influence of the nasal consonant /n/ that comes immediately after it. In this case, the rule changes an oral (non-nasal) sound to a nasal one.
Segment deletion rules remove sound segments. For instance, in informal speech, a segment deletion rule removes the second of a pair of consonants at the end of one word when the next word begins with a consonant.

Supra-segmental phenomena

Phonological Features
Contrastive function: Each phoneme differs from others in at least one feature
Descriptive function: Accurately describes phonetic nature of a sound (may include redundant, non-contrastive features)
Classificatory function: Explains and allows generalizations and common phonological processes

Fungsi phonology
1.    Untuk mengetahui perubahan bunyi suara pada suatu kata.
2.    Mempelajari cara kerja organ tubuh manusia terutama yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan bahasa.
3.    Mempelajari tentang proses pembentukan bunyi, penyampaian/ pengucapannya.

Book Two for Phonology.pdf
Chapter4.pdf about phonology by Delahunty and Garvey

thanks to all of you have read my post about phonology, i am sorry if i have mistakes and give me comment to over content about this post

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