

10:53:00 PM

Assalamualaikum wr wb
Hi guys. My friend and I will present to all of you about Linguistics on this video. We hope this video could understand you easily. Thank you!! 



8:35:00 AM


Sociolinguistics is the study between  language and society. Sociolinguistics is the study of inter relationships of language and social structure, linguistics variation and attitudes toward language. It is any set of linguistics form which pattern according to social factors.
Sociolinguistics is concerned with language in social and cultural context, especially how people with different social identities (e.g. gender, age, race, ethnicity, class)  speak and  how their speech changes in different situations. Some of the issues addressed are how features of dialects (ways of pronouncing words, choice of words, patterns of words) cluster together to form personal styles of speech, why people from different communities or cultures can misunderstand what is meant, said and done based on the different ways they use language.
Sosio adalah masyarakat, dan linguistik adalah kajian bahasa. Jadi sosiolinguistik adalah kajian tentang bahasa yang dikaitkan dengan kondisi kemasyarakatan.

Some definition of Sociolinguistics:

Menurut Fishman (1972) , Sociolinguistics is the study of the characteristics of language varieties, the characteristics of their functions, and the characteristics of their speakers as these three constantly interact, change and change one another within a speech community, (Sosiolinguistik adalah kajian tentang ciri khas variasi bahasa, fungsi–fungsi variasi bahasa, dan pemakai bahasa karena ketiga unsur ini selalu berinteraksi, berubah, dan saling mengubah satu sama lain dalam satu masyarakat).
Menurut Kridalaksana (1978:94) , Sosiolinguistik lazim didefinisiksn sebagai ilmu yang mempelajaari ciri dan berbagai variasi bahasa di dalam masyarakat bahasa.
Menurut Nababan (1984 :82) , Pengkajian bahasa dengan dimensi kemasyarakatan .
Menurut (Rene appel , Gerad Hubert , Greus Meijer 1976:10), Sociolinguistyiek is de studie van tall en taalgebruik in de context van maatschapij en kultuur, (Sosiolinguistik adalah kajian mengenai bahasa dan pemakaiannya dalam konteks social dan kebudayaan).
Menurut (G,E. Booij , J.G. Kersten, dan H.J Verkuyl 1975:139), Sociolinguistiek is subdisiplin van de taalkunde , die bestudert welke social faktoren een rol nspelen in het taalgebruik er welke taal spelt in het social verkeer. (Sosiolinguistik adalah subdisiplin ilmu bahasa yang mempelajari faktor-faktor sosial yang berperan dalam penggunaan bahasa dan pergaulan social).
Menurut (C.Criper dan H.G.Widdowson dalam J.P.B Allen dan S.Piet Corder 1975:156), Sociolinguistics is the study of language operation, it’s purpose to investigate how the convention of the language use relate to other aspects of social behavior. (Sosiolinguistik adalah kajian bahasa dalam penggunaannya , dengan tujuan untuk meneliti bagaimana konvevsi pemakaian bahasa berhubungan dengan aspek-aspek laindari tiNgkah laku social).
Menurut  (Nancy Parrot Hickerson 1980:81), Sociolinguistics is a developing subfield of linguistics which takes speech variation as it’s focus , viewing variation or it social context. Sociolinguistics is concerned with the correlation between such social factors and linguistics variation. (Sosiolinguistik adalah pengembangan sub bidang yang memfokuskan penelitian pada variasi ujaran , serta mengkajinya dalam suatu konteks social . Sosiolinguistik meneliti korelasi antara factor-faktor social itu dengan variasi bahasa).
An MLC-er weighs said: “Sociolinguistics is the study of  how people use language in their everyday lives. Sociolinguistics looks at how identities are manifested through the words we use and how, through language, we (intentionally or unintentionally) create, maintain, and disrupt relationships with others”.

The study of sociolinguistics also focuses on the language variations that emerge in the society.  For example, the way of how to speak of  a group of students is different from the way of a group of bus drivers. 

Sociolinguistics divided into two:
1.     Micro-sociolinguistics àThe study of language in relation to society deals with small group of people in certain community. Example: meeting.
2.     Macro-sociolinguistics àThe study of language related to how the society treats the language.  

There are two branches of sociolinguistics which approach in different ways. These two branches are interactionist and variationist sociolinguistics.
Interactionist sociolinguistics is principally interested  in what language use can tell us about social processes, and therefore a central concern is the social meaning of language use.
Variationist sociolinguistics is interested in accounting for linguistic variation and change, at least partly as a product of the social distribution of language varieties. It is, therefore, less concerned with meaning as process, and more concerned with the interaction of linguistic and social systems.

1. Speech Community
Speech Community is a concept in sociolinguistics that describes a more or less discrete group of people who use language in a unique and mutually accepted way among themselves.
Speech communities can be members of a profession with a specialized jargon, distinct social groups like high school students or hip hop fans, or even tight-knit groups like families and friends. Members of speech communities will often develop slang or jargon to serve the group's special purposes and priorities. For example, Speech from an older man with many well known characteristics of Appalachian English:

1) I used to could read. (double modal)
2) I ain't no girl now. (multiple negation)
3) He has a broken back ____ was never set. ("that" deletion)
4) Put some bakin' sody on it. (sody instead of soda)
5) I fell upside of the building. (lexical substitution--upside of for against the side of)
So therefore,  the speaker is a native of Southern Ohio, not actually a native of Appalachia and  his speech is affected by factors such as age, sex, and socio-economic status.

2. High prestige and low prestige varieties
Crucial to sociolinguistic analysis is the concept of prestige, certain speech habits are assigned a positive or a negative value which is then applied to the speaker. This can operate on many levels.
3. Social network
Understanding language in society means that one also has to understand the social networks in which language is embedded. A social network is another way of describing a particular speech community in terms of relations between individual members in a community. A network could be loose or tight depending on how members interact with each other (Wardhaugh, 2002:126-127).
4. Internal vs. external language
Internal language applies to the study of syntax and semantics in language on the abstract level, as mentally represented knowledge in a native speaker. External language applies to language in social contexts, for example: behavioral habits shared by a community.

Haugen (1966) has pointed out that language and dialect are ambiguous terms.
Common people see a dialect as non prestigious variety of language. Scholars see language and dialect as confusing term. Ordinary people use these terms quite freely in speech; for them a dialect is almost certainly no more than a local non-prestigious (therefore powerless) variety of a real language.
Hougen (1966) stated a dialect is language that is excluded for polite society. Dialect is used both for local varieties of English, e.g., Yorkshire dialect, and for various types of informal, lower-class, or rural speech.
Criteria of language:
1.     Standardization
2.     Vitality: living community of speakers
3.     Historicity: sense of identity; social, political, religious, ethnicities.
4.     Autonomy: different from other language.
5.     Reduction: a particular variety maybe regarded as a sub-variety rather than as an independent entity. Ex: Pidgin.
6.     Mixture: purity
7.      De Facto norms: Good speaker Vs Poor speaker.
Dialect is subordinate variety of language.

Vernacular : 1st language I multilingual community, especially informal function.
Components of vernacular:
1.     Uncodified / unstandardized variety
2.     The way is acquired, example at home
3.     Circumscribed functions
Vernacular is the most colloquial variety in a person’s linguistics repertoire. It used for everyday interact.

Lingua franca is language of wider community. Lingua Franca is a language used for communication between 2 people whom the 1st language is different.
A pidgin is a language having no native speaker. A pidgin develops as a means of communication between people who do not have a common language.
Pidgin is two groups with different language communicating in a situation where there is also a third dominant language. 
Creole is a pidgin that has become the first language of a new generation of speakers. Creoles arise when Pidgin become mother tongues.(Aitchison:1994)
The process of pidginization (simplification of language) through:
1.     Reduction in morphology
2.     Reduction in syntax
3.     Reduction in pronunciation
4.     Extensive borrowing of words from local mother-tongue.

 The process of creolization:
1.     Expansion of morphology and syntax
2.     Regularization of the phonology
3.     Increase function
4.     Increase vocabulary 

Diglossia is a characteristic of speech communities rather than individual. Individuals may be bilingual. Societies or communities are diglossic. In other words, the term diglossia describes societal or institutionalized bilingualism, where two varieties are require to cover all the community’s domains.
Diglossia has three crucial features or criteria:

1.Two distinct varieties of the same language are used in the community, with one regarded as a high ( or H ) variety and the other a low ( or L ).

2.Each variety is used for quite distinct function; H and L complement each other

3.No one uses the H variety in everyday conversation.

Bilingualism is an individual’s ability to use more than one language variety. Individual bilingualism use of more that one languages or competence in more that one languages (Clyne:1997). Multilingualism is an individual’s ability to use many languages.
Mother Togue
1.     Language passed on by an individual’s mother
2.     Language known best
3.     Language of the heart

Researcher call mother tongue as first language (L1). Meanwhile second language (L2) is language learned after one’s first either out of necessity or by personal choice, to fulfill some special purpose, individual may or may not speak it as well as first language.

The societies have two high languages and one low language. Example: Malaysia have two High languages such as Melayu and English, and one low language, it is Low Malay.

Code Switching
Code-switching is a term in linguistics to refer to the use of more than one language or variety in conversation. People switch the code on purpose. 

Ethnography of communication is related to language. It was introduced by Dell Hymes (ethnography of speaking). It studied base on speech community.
Speech community is a group of people that tied with at least one language / variety language and they also have norms.

Pdf: An Introduction to Sociolinguistics by Ronald Wardhaugh, BLACKWELL Publishing