7:07:00 AM

Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society. It is any set of linguistics form which pattern according to social factors.

Sociolinguistics is concerned with language in social and cultural context, especially how people with different social identities for example gender, age, race, ethnicity, class. Speak and  how their speech changes in different situations.

• Siti Rafiah
Q : Why do accent and dialect are included into sociolinguistics ?
A : Just we know, Sociolinguistics concern on the using of language in society. In communities, variation language will developed and known by many people. Some people use different style while they are communicating with others.
In sociolinguistics, we have to study about accent and dialect. Because, rhythm and tone needed on language of society. Ex: there is different using of  rhythm and tone between Malaynese and Bataknese.

• Hotdiana Pasaribu
Q : Please give an example of sociolinguistics and sociology of language in types of Sociolinguistics!
A : We have known about them. Sociolinguistics is language that we use everyday in society. Depending on place and situations.
Sociology of language is effect from the using of language in society (Slang, Bhs Alay/Gaul)
So the example of them, are:
- kamu tidak jelas (sociolinguistics)
- aaah gaje lu mah (sociology of language)

• Febti Mahani Btbr
Q : What is the different between Accent and Dialect?
A : Accent is Sound/ tone and the rhythm of a language. Accent of Melayu darat can be different with Melayu pesisir. Also, Dialect is the different both of sound and vocabularies that used by society. For example,
-Melayu Pesisir (Miko nak kemane)
-Melayu daratan (nak kemano)

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