

6:33:00 PM

The article with title “Mass Media Discourse: A Critical Analysis Research Agenda”.
AUTHORS: Faiz Sathi Abdullah from Department of English, Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication, Putra Malaysia University (2014).
My Article’s title: Discourse on Mass Media: A study of Critical Analysis Research Agenda.
This article aims to revisit some key issues in approaches to research on mass media texts from a discourse analytical perspective.
This article concludes that CDA’s multidisciplinary approach to research on mass media discourse helps reveal hidden socio-political issues and agenda in various areas of language as social practice.
Examples of actual CDA research on mass media discourse are reviewed in terms of topics of apparent popular interest among practitioners such as racist discourse in news reporting, language of globalization and neo-capitalism, and war news reporting.




6:32:00 PM

Pidgin is a language with no native speakers : it is no one's first language but is a contact language (only some area that understand the language).
-Limited Vocabulary
- Unstructured Sentence
The origin of pidgin comes from colonialism trade and slavery. Pidgin language started to develop in areas where the colonists and trades come and settled.
At that time pidgin was the lingua franca for trading and a communication tool for slaves.
Have we ever heard of this expression "Long time no see" that is the simple example pidgin based on English.
Creole is often define as a pidgin that has become the first language (mother tongue) of a new generation of speakers.
Pidgin can be creole cause it is need big structure or completed sentence.
The different between pidgin and creole are:
Pidgin is no native speaker, while creole native speaker.
Pidgin is mixing of language and reduced grammar and vocabulary. Creole is mixed language associated with cultural and often racial mixture and have parents who use pidgin.

-          Fajrin Suhaila
Please give more explanation and example of creole!
Answer: Creole is the mixing of some language that become a new language as the first language. Creole is mother tongue. This language appears as caused of pidgins. Example: Papua New Guinea’s language. and creole
-          Syahfitri
As a teacher candidates, what is the advantages by learning pidgins and creoles for us?
Answer: *Teacher can be the bridge for students in the class which have more than one language.
*Students can be more enthusiast with the language.
-          Annisa Septiani
What is the relationship among pidgins, creoles and Sociolinguistics?
Answer: we know that, Sociolinguistics is the study of language and society. Pidgins is used in certain situation to communicate with people who has different language. It is mixing of language with limited vocabulary and unstructured sentence while creoles is mixing of some language become a new language (mother tongue) to communicate in some area. So, pidgins and creoles have relationships with Sociolinguistics cause it happened in society.



10:42:00 AM

Language is  the method of human communication either spoken or written,  consisting of the use of words  in a structured and conventional way. Lower part of variety language is Dialect and the main part is Language. Language consist of Dialect and Accent.
Dialect is the variety of language characteristics, consist of pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and lexical.
Accent is just only in pronunciation (high/low sound).
There are two kind of dialect, namely: Regional dialect and Social dialect.
Style is the way speakers speak, the speaker also can make a choice weather informal and formal, it depend on circumstance and the age and social group of participant. Registers refers to particular way of using language in particular settings within that community. Belief is systems of ideas or ideology.

Mike Yulfa Acmi
Why do sociolect has closer relationship with social background rather that geographical background?
Answer: Before that, we have to know about what is social background and geo background. Social background is condition that interact with people in daily activity. Social background also has big effect cause we do that every day. While geographical background is just the location or region where we from. E.g: when we move to other place such as to Bandung that more dominant using Sundanese language in communication. So we will be change our language to communicate and interact with peoples there easily.

Ratna Sari
Can you show more examples and main difference between social and regional dialect?
Answer: - Regional dialect, there may even be very distinctive local colorings in the language which you notice as you move  from one location to another.
Social dialect, the term dialect can also be used to describe difference in speech associated with various social groups if classes. Such as social class, religion and ethnicity.

Asep Sukroko
Explain the differences between language, dialect and accent!
Answer: Language is a tool to communicate with peoples around the world. Dialect is lower part of language that consist of variety of vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation. Accent is only variation of pronunciation.

TM. Ridhani
How can language be different each other?
Answer: In the past, there is correspondence between each country about the use of language. Whether it is same or different language.

Desi Nori Sahputri
Language and dialect are ambiguous term. What does it mean?
Answer: When people communicate, usually they know what language they use/speak. They may experience difficulty in deciding whether what they speak should be called dialect of some language. So it is why language and dialect are ambiguous term.