Intro to Sociolinguistics: (Information-Test)

6:43:00 AM

Ade Gustia Putri

1.      What is Sociolinguistics?
Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society. Socio means society and linguist means study of language. It is any set of linguistics form which pattern according to social factors. They are concerned with identifying the social functions of language and cultural context, especially how people with different social identities speak up for example gender, age, race, ethnicity, class and  how their speech changes in different situations. Also, it is used to convey social meaning.

2.      Why do we learn Sociolinguistics?
As we can see, Sociolinguistics is study of language and society. It is a very significant aspect in our lives, as we use it very often. It helps us shape our character by the use of language, and it is common to use sociolinguistics. With learning sociolinguistics, we can be understood using a language, more aspects or variation of language and language style here like (Dialect, Accent, Lingua Franca, Pidgin, Creole, Speech Communities, Codes and others). We use it all the time, but we never pay close attention.

3.      What is the relation between language and society?
People use language and that language is part of society. Social context looks at relationships between language and society and looks at language as people use it. It considers the relationship between a person’s language and their social identity. Language does not affect what we can see in the world, but it is still possible that language affects people and society because maybe language still affects the way we can think.

4.      Please mention and explain the branches of linguistics!

Linguistics is the scientific study of language. In studying linguistics, there are two major categories, include:
-          Pure Linguistics:        
1. Phonetic (branch of linguistics that comprises the study of the sounds of human speech)
2. Phonology (the study of sound patterns and their meanings, both within and across languages)
3. Morphology (the study of the forms of things, a particular form, shape, or structure)
4. Syntax (the study of the rules for the formation of grammatical   sentences in language)
5. Lexicology (the study of the formation, meaning, and use of words and of idiomatic combinations of words)
6. Semantics (the study of meaning in language)
-          Applied Linguistics:   
1. Sociolinguistics (the study of relationship between language and society)
2. Psycholinguistics (the study of the relationships between linguistics behavior and             psychological processes, including the process of language acquisition.
5.      What is standard language? Giving an example!
Standard language is the variety of language that used in formal situations; it is refers to mode of usage of most educated speakers of a language and established as the prestigious form of that language. Example: Language in textbook.

6.      Elaborating the language, dialect and accent, please!
-          Language is the method of human communication either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way. Language consist of Dialect and Accent.
-          Dialect is the variety of language characteristics, consist of pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and lexical.
-          Accent is just only in pronunciation (high/low sound)

7.      Giving an example of formal language and informal language!
Formal language    :           A: Are you one of students in this school?
                                          B: Yes, I am
Informal language:            A: Student here?
                                          B: Of course

8.      What aspects of language are sociolinguists interested in?
Sociolinguists are interested in explaining why people speak differently in different social context. Sociolinguistics interested in social factors such as social status, social distance, age, gender, class, culture, region and language varieties (dialect, genre, etc.) Sociolinguists are also concerned with identifying the social functions of language and the way it is used to convey social meaning.

9.      When two or more people from different language met and tried to communicate, what should they do?
a.     Pidgin is a language with no native speakers, only some area that understand the language. It is limited vocabulary and unstructured sentence.
b.     Creole is often define as a pidgin that has become the first language (mother tongue) of a new generation of speakers.
c.       Lingua Franca is a language used to communicate that does not have native language.
      When two or more people met and tried to communicate, they spoke using one language that is no native language (lingua franca). And also in some area they will use Pidgin to understand with other people speak, after long process of time, people using a simple language (creole) to communicate each other.
10.  Why do people switch and mix a language?
1.      Talking about a particular topic
People sometimes prefer to talk about a particular topic in one language rather than in another. Sometimes, a speaker feels free and more comfortable to express his/her emotional feelings in a language that is not his/her everyday language.
2.      Expressing group identity
Code switching and code mixing can also be used to express group identity. The way of communication of academic people in their disciplinary groupings, are obviously different from the other groups.
3.      For prestige (to soften or strengthen request or command)
For Indonesian people, mixing and switching Indonesian into English can also function as a request because English is not their native tongue, so it does not sound as direct as Indonesian.
4.         Rival in speaking
Rival in speaking is also causes how often they code mixing and code switching.
5.      Time and place in speaking
The formal place is fewer for using code mixing and code switching because the speaker have prepared the material to be discussed.

11.  Giving an example of code switching and code mixing!
Code switching
Laras:        Lima menit lagi rapat dimulai, tapi tumben sekali Susi belum datang
Diana:        Tapi dia tadi bilang mau datang
Laras:        Itu dia datang. Woi, tumben je mepet le mangkat. Seko ngendi?
Susi:          Mampir ngomah sikek.

Code Mixing
-          Jangan kuatir, next time will be better.
-          Come on baby, jangan terlalu diambil pusing.

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