
Intro to Sociolinguistics: Code Switching and Mixing

11:21:00 PM

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

It is my presentation part in Sociolinguistics
with Indah Ayu Widuna and Permana Putra Kesuma (GROUP 4)


            In Sociolinguistics, Diglossia is a situation in which two distinct varieties of a language are spoken within the same speech community.
Diglossia exist in a society when it has to distinct codes which show clear functional separation.
Diglossia :     High variety
                        Low variety


          Bilingualism is the ability of an individual or the members of a community to use two languages effectively.
          Multilingualism is the ability of an individual speaker to communicate effectively in three or more languages.

It has some factors:             Visitors,
                                            Children of mixed marriages,                                         
Example: Tokano of Northwest Amazon


a.    Code Switching

          Code Switching is the alternation of the use of at least two languages or their varieties or styles in the same conversation in bilingual community. Bilingual people often switch codes from one language to other language when they speak or write.
          Code switching not only occurs in the form of language change but also may happen in the change of the variant of language.

Types of Code- switching
Based on soewito:
¢  Internal Code-Switching
            If the code-switching occurs among regional languages in one national language, or among dialects in one regional language, or among some styles in one dialect.
¢  External Code-Switching
            If code-switching occurs among native language and foreign language.

b.    Code Mixing

          Code-mixing is the change of one language to another within the same utterance or in the same oral/written text. It is a common phenomenon in societies in which two or more languages are used, usually without a change of topic.
            Actually, in code-mixing we just take word by word from other language. It means we keep to our own language but just adding some words from others caused by some factors.

Kinds of code mixing
Code mixing can be classified into two kinds:
¢  Inner code mixing
            That is originated from the native language with its all variations. for instance Jawa Ngoko mixed with Jawa Krama- Inggil.
  wah baksone pun telas mas, pados liyane mawon.
In this sentence, the speaker mixes jawa ngoko ‘liyane’ with jawa karma inggil, ‘pun telas’ and ‘mawon’.

¢  Outer code mixing
            That mixes a foreign language with native language such as English language mixed with Indonesian language.
  Jangan kuatir, next time will be better. (Don’t worry, next time will be better).
In this case, the speaker mixes up Indonesian with English.
  Saya sedang tidak bisa berpikir, otakku blank.
In this sentence, the speaker mixes English, ‘blank’, with Indonesian language ‘saya sedang tidak bisa berpikir, otakku’.

Causes of Code Mixing and Code Switching

There are number of reasons for bilingual or multilingual person to switch or mix their languages. Those are:

1.      Talking about a particular topic
2.      Expressing group identity
3.      For prestige (to soften or strengthen request or command)
4.      To exclude other people when a comment is intended for only a limited audience
5.      Rival in speaking
6.      Time and place in speaking