Story of Life


6:02:00 PM

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Hello guys, i want share to all of you my beloved reader about my faculty (teachers training and education). Now, i am a third semester student on english education department. So in this post, i will tell about FKIP activities.
My faculty was established in August 2007 by Mr. Dahler M.Pd, Mr. Adolf Bastian M.Pd, and Mr. Ulul Azmi M. Si. In this faculty, there are three majors, namely Biology department, English department, and Early Childhood Education department.
FKIP has some superiority, give scholarships to achiever students. In FKIP before you do college activities, you must wear polite clothes like long dress, no jeans, no kaos oblong and also for women wear skirt or celana kain.
FKIP Students are required to collect five duty certificates, they are PAMABA certificate, ESQ certificate, study banding certificate, english camp certificate and others international certificate. Those certificates to fullfil thesis examination.
You can see many activities here, both indoor and also outdoor.
The indoor activities especially for english department like debate and speech contest. This program made to improving our english skills and help students to be able to increase the sense of our confidence in front of many people.
The outdoor activities like study banding and english camp. For english camp, i have held this activity in harau payakumbuh, west sumatera on April 2016 for 3 days, this activity to improving our english skills and training to be teacher in some elementary school and also make togetherness for all member in english camp.

Story of Life


4:06:00 PM

Glimmer of rainbow

Husssssh ... huuush ........
          The wind's sound blowing every street and trees between a girl who walking down on that street towards a bus stop. The girl walks slowly, she dispels every wind that blow veil which she wear. That morning, the weather looks so serene, a girl named was ica immediately look into the blue sky. It as if the sky understand that her depressed mood.
          The girl finally is sitting at the edge of seat stops. While she is waiting the arrival of public transport, she hesitated to see the expanse of many trees in front of her. Her heart was dejected cause think each of her college assignments that must be complete that week. When preoccupied with her uties, then she remembered with figure of a pretty and gorgeous women that always support her first.
          At the time, the class was so chaotic and anywhere there are sounds of each class member. Almost every students was busy doing variety things. That day,  an English teacher who should go to class, never show her face. It seems they was so happy with the situation. Because they did not have to study each word and also each formula that can solve their brain slowly.
          The little ica was making doodle art with two close friends. When preoccupied and  laughed, a woman stepped into their classrooms. Step each step she was like a beautiful model. All pairs of eyes fixed on the figure in front of them. WHO IS SHE ???? Actually, she was Miss Vivi. The pretty lady as english teacher who was coming first to their school. Then what would she do in the ica's classroom ??? Miss Vivi would replace their previous English teacher before.
          The class was hypnotized with the beauty of her. But no doubt they also think what's great she ?? What could she make to understand them with the complicated of  foreign languages??
          The first learning process of Miss Vivi really made all students were amazement. She was a woman that having fun, easy going and can make almost  class members knew that she talked, no doubt also for a ica.
          Gradually, until a few months they were taught by Miss Vivi. They are more felt in love with that beautiful woman and also her teaching materials. Ica was increasingly hypnotized by the figure of Ms. Vivi. "Someday, If I become a teacher, I'll try to be a woman like her, figure that good-looking, forceful and having fun".
          After ica's role as a student was over, then she began confused onto the next her life. When the parental figure want to continue education, ica have not to think a thousand times would become what.
          In the end, ica chose English program because the figure of her beloved teacher. Upon entering college life, many obstacles came. When she was getting confused then she took a long time to go to school and met her inspiration woman. Miss Vivi listening to hercomplaints, and also give her a lot of briefings.
          That memory really make ica quiet for a moment. Instantly breeze interrupted her reverie. Then she saw around her filled with people waiting for the arrival of the four wheels, not long after that,  awaited has arrived. The little girl entrance into her college resume activity.
When you love what you have, you have everything you need. Trust yourself.

Story of Life


9:19:00 PM

Secercah Pelangi

          Suara tiupan angin memenuhi tiap jalan dan pepohonan yang berada diantara seorang gadis yang sedang menyusuri jalan saat menuju suatu halte bus. Gadis itu berjalan gontai menghalau tiap angin yang meniup hijab yang ia kenakan. Pagi itu cuaca terlihat begitu syahdu, gadis yang bernama ica itu seketika melihat ke langit biru. Seakan langit itu mengerti suasana hatinya yang sedang gundah.
          Gadis itu pun akhirnya duduk di bagian ujung kursi halte. Sambil menunggu kedatangan angkutan umum, ia termangu melihat hamparan pohon-pohon tinggi dihadapannya. Hatinya gundah memikirkan tiap tugas kuliah yang mesti harus selesai minggu itu. Saat sibuk memikirkan tugas-tugasnya, ia lalu teringat dengan sosok wanita tinggi cantik yang selalu mensupportnya dahulu.
          Ketika itu, kelas begitu ricuh suara setiap member kelas ada dimana-mana.  Hampir tiap siswa sibuk melakukan berbagai macam hal. Saat itu guru bahasa inggris yang mestinya masuk ke kelas, tak kunjung memunculkan wajahnya. Sepertinya mereka begitu senang dengan keadaan itu. Karena tidak harus mempelajari tiap kata tiap rumus yang dapat memecahkan otak mereka perlahan demi perlahan.
          Ica kecil sibuk membuat doodle art bersama dua teman dekatnya. Saat asik-asiknya dan sibuk tertawa, seorang wanita melangkah memasuki kelas mereka. Langkah tiap langkah wanita itu bak seorang model cantik. Semua pasang mata tertuju pada sosok didepan mereka. WHO IS SHE????
Ternyata eh ternyata, ia adalah Miss Vivi. Wanita cantik itu ternyata seorang guru bahasa inggris yang baru datang ke sekolah mereka. Lalu apa yang akan dilakukannya di kelas ica??? Miss Vivi akan menggantikan guru bahasa inggris mereka sebelumnya.
          Seisi kelas seakan terhipnotis dengan kecantikan wanita itu. Tapi tidak dipungkuri mereka juga berpikir apa sih hebatnya dia?? Apa bisa dia membuat mereka dapat mengerti Bahasa asing yang ribet itu.
          Proses pembelajaran miss vivi pertama kali dikelas itu benar-benar membuat seisi kelas takjub. Ia wanita yang having fun, easing going dan dapat membuat hampir seisi kelas mengerti yang ia sampaikan, tak dipungkiri juga untuk seorang ica.
          Lambat laun, hingga beberapa bulan lamanya mereka diajarkan oleh Miss vivi. Mereka semakin jatuh cinta dengan wanita cantik itu dan juga pada bahan ajarannya. Ica pun akhirnya semakin dalam semakin terhipnotis oleh sosok miss vivi. "Andai aku menjadi guru kelak, aku akan berusaha menjadi wanita sepertinya, sosok rupawan yang tegas dan having fun".
          Setelah peran ica sebagai seorang siswa telah usai, ia lalu mulai bingung menuju jalan hidupnya selanjutnya. Ketika sosok orangtua menginginkannya melanjutkan pendidikan, ica tak perlu berpikir ribuan kali akan menjadi apa.
          Pada akhirnya, ica memilih program bahasa inggris karena sosok miss vivi tercintanya. Setelah memasuki kehidupan kuliah, banyak hambatan yang ia hadapi. Ketika ia mulai buntu, maka ia menyempati diri menuju sekolah lama lalu menghampiri her inspiration woman. Miss vivi mendengarkan keluh kesahnya, memberikan banyak arahan padanya.
          Ingatan itu benar-benar menghanyutkan ica. Seketika angin sepoi membuyarkan lamunannya. Lalu ia melihat sekelilingnya telah dipenuhi oleh orang-orang yang menunggu kedatangan si roda empat, tidak lama setelah itu yang ditunggu pun telah tiba. Gadis kecil itu pun masuk kedalamnya untuk melanjutkan aktivitas kuliahnyaa.
When you love what you have, you have everything you need. Trust yourself!!