Story of Life


9:09:00 AM

Kesuksesan terbesar dalam hidupku
Oleh : @adegustya

Dalam hidup manusia selalu menghadapi banyak masalah baik itu masalah kecil hingga masalah besar. Masalah itu muncul agar kita dapat mencoba untuk menyelesaikannya dan pada akhirnya mendapatkan yang semestinya diinginkan. Jika berbicara tentang hal yang diinginkan pasti tidak dapat lepas dari suatu hal yang bernama Kesuksesan.
Kesuksesan ialah  hal yang sangat di harapkan setiap orang di seluruh dunia ini. Satu kata ini memiliki banyak makna dan banyak arti. Tapi bagi saya, sebuah kesuksesan itu lahir dan berada dalam diri setiap orang. Itu semua tergantung dengan masing-masing individu berusaha untuk mencari cara mencapai kesuksesannya itu. Jika dikatakan sukses, mungkin saya belum bisa juga dikatakan sukses sepenuhnya dan malah masih jauh dari kata sukses. Tetapi semakin ada niat dan semakin semangat untuk berjuang meraihnya pasti akan ada jalan menuju hal tersebut.
Kesuksesan dalam hidup saya terdapat pada keluarga. Mengapa demikian? Karena disetiap langkah dan setiap niat yang ada pastilah kita memerlukan dukungan dari orang lain, khususnya keluarga dan terpenting yaitu orang tua. Setiap niat dan usaha yang diiringi oleh doa orang tua pasti hal yang dicapai akan berjalan lancar hingga kesuksesan dengan sangat mudah dapat kita raih.
Ada banyak orang sukses di luar sana, tetapi dibalik kesuksesannya ada orang yang selalu mendukungnya baik itu suami, istri maupun anak. Tetapi support terbesar dan restu kesuksesan hidup terbesar saya adalah orang tua. Karena hingga hari ini saya bisa sukses dalam melanjutkan pendidikan yang lebih baik dan lebih tinggi khususnya di keguruan tidak lepas dari sebuah kesuksesan dalam hidup saya. Hingga saya dapat melanjutkan langkah menuju cita-cita yang kelak akan membuat orang tua saya lebih bangga lagi. Saya bangga menjadi diri saya sekarang ini dan hanya niat, usaha dan kesabaran yang dapat mengantarkan saya menuju gerbang kemenangan hidup saya nantinya. Kelak di kemudian hari, saya akan bisa menjadi anak yang bisa sukses dan membahagiakan orang tua saya di hari tuanya.

Story of Life


8:48:00 AM


I am an undergraduate student from English Education Department of Lancang Kuning University. Right now, I am second semester. In my faculty, there are many activities to upgrade or improve our English skill. One of them is called English Conversation Club (ECC).
            English Conversation Club (ECC) is being held every Saturday at 08.30 am. For this year, ECC have 6 classes such as Regular Conversation Class, Dance Class, Paper Presentation Class, On Stage Class, Public Speaking or Debate Class and the last Blogging for fun. When I am first semester, there is no blogging club, just Drama Class. However, Drama Class is changed by Blog right now. You know that?? I am one of blogging member. Like the name of this class, I think it is fun way to learn English well.
            In blogging for fun, I have gotten many experience to learn about blog. This class taught about everything such as how to make or create simple blog, change template, apply music player, apply animation or clock, etc. With blog, we can share more knowledge and science that we got in school or campus. My lecturer said, “Make blog as your home, so you can design anything in your home not one must be banned”. This class very nice to people do not know about blog before (Newbie Blogger). So, let’s come and join with us in Blogging for fun. See you in next semester!!!!

Story of Life


2:20:00 AM

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

I want share to you about my faculty and many kinds that i love there. cekidoooot


    When i know FKIP Unilak, i did not get something interesting here. However, when i have been as part of its, finally i have gotten interesting moments or things in this faculty. The first thing is crazy and cheerful friends. Right now, i am 2nd semester. Since one year, i have had many friends. Much of them have unique character. I think they got little sick or crazy if they have joined together especially do not forget!!! Actually when i am there. Yeaaah, if they are crazy likewise I have little crazy too. We always have many activities in FKIP, sometimes we laugh together even though things are ridiculed only a small thing wkwkwkwk. I do happy to know and have them in FKIP.

        The second thing is second floor in FKIP, why do I say that???? if I feel bored I will sit in seat edge while looking surroundings. From this floor, I can see peoples below, what are they doing, etc. Sometimes, I sit so long just to enjoy atmosphere. Not only that, I can see and check my motorcycle in parking place, cause I am afraid if my motorcycle lose. YOU KNOW??? Unilak is more unsafe!!! A piece of my friend also know if I sit in seat edge, I am missing someone. He is not my boyfriend and I am a free agent. So, from 2nd floor I can see his faculty and also his motorcycle there. I do know why I so enjoy sit in seat edge.

        The third thing is Mr. Dahler and also Mr. Dahler's Room. I love his room cause' this room is coldest compared with other room or other class. He always turn on this AC until high temperature uhuuhuui I don't feel heat again. When my friend and I come to this room, he always tell about everything to us. He give us many advice and counsel so that we know our aim be a part of FKIP. Before I know him, I think he is grumpy and killer. Actually, he is very friendly and love his students also. But, sometimes I am afraid if I berada di dekatnya wkwkwk. I do not why. 

        The fourth thing is GSpot for take selfies. Do you know something about me??? The Fact is I do love selfie anywhere and anytime in FKIP. Sometimes I will take selfie in seat edge (2nd floor), in the class, in BEM's room any else. Not only that, I often take photo full body or be known by name "OOTD" /Oufit of the day in almost every place like parking place, in front of BEM's room, FKIP yard, emperan kelas, huuuuuft I can not say all to you wkwkwk. In a day, I can produce many photos. I will say to you a secret but Don't tell to other, OK??? I can produce more than 100 on a day but I often take until 50-60 photos. 

       The last thing is maybe Tata Usaha's Room. Why I like this room? because I can buy some food, snack or drink when I am hungry. Not only that, in this room I can get important information about perkuliahan. Also, my friend and I must accompany our friend who admired one of many staff who very handsome in TU's room . He is Pak Firman. I can not say who is her wkwkwk cause she can kill me anywhere *it's a joke*

       OK guys, I think just that about my Faculty. A lot of things I wanted to say yet in this article but I don not have other idea to write many things. Thanks for your time. Have a nice day :)

Assalamualaikum wr.wb


The Last Part of Pure Linguistics: Semantics

6:51:00 PM

There are some definition of semantics,

Semantics is the study of meaning
Lyons (1977)
Semantics is the study of meaning in language
Hurford & Heasley (1983)
Semantics is the study of meaning communicated through language
Saeed (1997)
Semantics is the part of linguistics that is concerned with meaning
Löbner (2002)
Linguistic semantics is the study of literal, decontextualized, grammatical meaning
Frawley (1992)
Linguistic semantics is the study of how languages organize and express meanings
Kreidler (1998)

So, Linguistic semantics is the study of how languages organize and express meanings. Semantics is part of grammar.

The meaning of a complex expression is determined by:
• the meanings of its parts,
• the way in which those parts are combined 
Example:          A cat chased a small rat.  
 A small rat chased a cat.

The Architecture of Meaning

Ø  Lexical Semantics

1.      Hyponym: word x is a hyponym of word y if the sets of referents of x is always in the set of referents of y.
example: the set of poodles is always in the set of dogs 

2.       Hypernym: the converse of hyponym
example: above, ‘dogs’ = hypernym, ‘poodles’ = hyponym 

3.      Synonyms: words that seem to have the same meaning
example:  ‘couch’ vs. ‘sofa’

4.      Antonyms: words that seem to have opposite meanings 
            Three types of antonyms:

a.    Complementary à single - married, dead - alive
• mutually exclusive

b.      Gradable à  cold - cool - warm - hot, wet - dry
• can modify with ‘very’, ‘a little’, etc.

c.       Converse à above / below, give / receive, buy - sell
• reciprocal relationship between words • relationship x entails existence of relationship y

Ø  Compositional Semantics
• Deals with phrasal and sentence meaning. 
• Non-idiomatic meanings are compositional in that they combine the meanings of smaller units.
        There are 3 kinds of compositional semantics, like:

1.      Entailment

2.      Presupposition

3.      Thematic roles